Like all Amateur Football Associations in NSW, the MWFA operates its competitions U12 - O45 under an Identity Card system for all participating players. Under this system all players who take part in any competition game in the MWFA must be present and have a photo loaded on digital matchsheet
This is a compulsory requirement on all players. If a player is not on the digital matchsheet, he or she can not take part in the game
The MWFA has rules in its Constitution detailing this requirement. Sanctions are imposed on players and teams breaching these rules.
· A team that fields a player not on the digital matchsheet forfeits the game.
· A player who knowingly plays without being on the digital matchsheet will be suspended for one fixture.
· A registered player who plays under a false name will be suspended for four fixtures.
· A player who is not registered but plays in a game will incur a penalty determined by the EC.
No matter what the circumstances, a player may not play if they are not on the digital matchsheet. The player may not play even if they have completed Registration with the Club and been approved in PlayFootball. Further approval by the MWFA is required before players are added to digital matchsheets and if these approvals have not been completed, the player can not participate in the match.
No other form of identification is acceptable to allow a player to play. The digital matchsheet is the only recognised form of ID that can be used. There are no exceptions to this requirement, checks will be carried out and any teams who break the rules will be penalised.
The MWFA also requires that each team checks the MWFA ID Cards of the opposition before the start of the game. If the team allows an opposition player to take the field when they are not present on the digital matchsheet the team is penalised one competition point.