Registration Payments
All registrations must be paid on-line at PlayFootball before registration will be approved. Payments must be paid by Visa or Mastercard. Cash and EFT payments are not accepted except in exceptional circumstances and must be approved by the committee.
Family Discounts
Beacon Hill Football Club offers family discounts for families with 3 or more registered players that reside at the same address:
3 players – 10% discount
4 players – 15% discount
5 or more players – 20% discount
The family discount does not apply to any other discounts eg student discounts, dual registrations, etc.
To apply for the family discount, please pay the full amount on line, complete the Family Discount Form and forward the form and a copy of your PlayFootball receipts to the treasurer at bhfc.financials@gmail.com.
Student Discounts
Beacon Hill Football Club passes on the $20 student discount applied to the registration of players over the age of 18, playing in the Open competition who are full-time students including those still at secondary school. When registering on-line please select the student registration package. Before your registration can be approved, proof of full-time studies must be provided to the registrar. Proof includes a Student ID and a copy of your timetable to the registrar at bhfc.rego@gmail.com.
Progressive Payments
Beacon Hill Football Club understands that some families, full-time students and other individuals may find it difficult to pay the full registration. Applications for Progressive Payments can be submitted to the treasurer for consideration. Progressive Payments can only be approved if the applicant can provide credit card details. First payment will be processed immediately and 3 subsequent payments will be processed at the beginning of the next three months. If at any time the progressive payment cannot be processed, the players card will be withheld until the payment is made. Anyone who cannot complete the progressive payments will not be registered in any subsequent year until the outstanding amount is paid and the progressive payment plan will not be available. Please forward your Application for Progressive Payment and a copy of your MFC Registration invoice to the Treasurer at bhfc.financials@gmail.com.
Players may need to deregister for a number of reasons such as injury, moving out of area or if a suitable team is not available. Refunds for all or part of your registration is dependent on the reasons for deregistration.
If registration payment has not been made on PlayFootball, return to PlayFootball and click the Application to Deregister button. Please notify the age coordinator that you no longer wish to be registered with BHFC.
If registration has been paid and approved, refund is possible less any bank charges and the BHFC Deregistration Fee. Please return to your PlayFootball registration and click the Application to Deregister button. Forward a copy of your PlayFootball receipt plus the Deregistration Form to the registrar at bhfc.rego@gmail.com. Please inform the age coordinator and the registrar.
Once the season has commenced both the MWFA and BHFC apply penalties for any deregistration. The MWFA Deregistration fee is based on the age group originally registered in.
An amount commensurate with the number of rounds played before the deregistration application is received will also be deducted from the refund.
Exemption to the deregistration's fees due to injury, illness or relocation are considered on an individual basis but must be completed by the 30th June, and the MWFA deregistration fee will still apply if the season has commenced.
Deregistration must be completed by the 30th June for any refund to be possible.