Beacon Hill soccer began under the umbrella of Beacon Hill Youth Club, which was founded in 1964 by a group of parents whose boys had been attending Physical Culture classes at Allambie. These parents approached the Beacon Hill War Memorial Trust to use the ‘large hall’ in the building that then stood on the current site.
The original Executive of the Youth Club was:
President – Mr Bernie O’Connor
Secretary – Mr Ron Oughtred
Treasurer – Mr Ben Love
In 1965, outdoor activities of Rugby League, Netball, Hockey and Soccer were added to the Youth Club. Girls took part in the Gym classes and a total of 85 families were enrolled. The Beacon Hill Football Club had 5 teams – U7/2 (of which our 2015 club secretary, John Koster was a player), U8/2, U9/3, U10/2 and U12/3. These early teams were all named after 'Space', ie Comets, Meteors, Sputniks, Rockets etc. The club had 2 full size fields at Tristram Road and the dads would take their lawn mowers down to mow the field when necessary. Norma Koster helped sew the original soccer shirts which were made out of calico and very rough on the skin. All participants in 1965 were given a light blue inaugural pennant.
In 1968 a grant was sought from the NSW Government to fund a new building which was named the Beacon Hill War Memorial Community Centre. At the same time, two playing fields were, quite literally, being carved out of Beacon Hill, the lower hillside having being exhausted as a quarry.
By 1970 activities included Asthmatic Classes, Gymnastics, Judo, Table Tennis, Squash, Dramatic Classes, Basketball, League, Cricket, Athletics and, of course, Soccer with approximately 1,500 children taking part.
Some families have been with BHYC almost since inception; Mrs Norma Koster (Life Member) is listed as Secretary in 1966 and her son John (Life Member) is still with us as Beacon Hill Youth Club Secretary of the Football (formerly called Soccer) section.
The soccer or football division of the BHYC has grown substantially in the past few years with membership in 2015 of 1200 players. We have 36 junior teams, 28 youth teams and 25 senior teams. Included in these numbers are 21 womens teams. Beacon Hill soccer has always strived to be competitive and to adhere to the principles of fair play and FUN!
2023 Update
Whilst football/soccer has risen in popularity over the years, the other activities have declined to the point where it was decided to disband the Youth Club. Beacon Hill Football Club has become a stand-alone entity.